Heat presses


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Create Flawless Designs with Our High-Quality Transfer Presses. Explore a Range of Heat Press Machines for Smooth and Vibrant Transfers onto Fabrics and Surfaces. Elevate Your Printing and Personalization Projects with Precision and Ease. Shop Now for Professional-Grade Transfer Presses!

This compact, smallest model in its class delivers high pressure thanks to its smart and robust construction. It's specially designed for use with transfer paper but is also suitable for all other printing techniques

No heat press matches the high pressure of the HTP123pro, thanks to its smart and powerful construction. It's specifically designed for use with transfer paper but is also suitable for all other printing techniques.


The choice to determine whether the heat press opens automatically or not makes this press a valuable addition with the Auto-open slider, pressure sensor, ramlock, and ramspin systems to your operation.

TheMagicTouch HT256 Plus offers even more possibilities for printing materials by adding extra high pressure and more space between the press plates.

(0) 399,00

When you discard your regular iron for this adorable small transfer press, you'll make a significant difference. It offers a workspace of 30 x 23 cm with the quality of a professional transfer press.

Unlock Your Creativity with Our State-of-the-Art Transfer Presses. Whether for Business or DIY Projects, Our Heat Press Machines Ensure Exceptional Quality and Durability. Transform Your Designs into Stunning Realities. Explore Now and Elevate Your Heat Transfer Experience!
Articles about Heat pressesGetting started with heat pressesTips and tricks for working with a Heat press

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