The color cards of MagiCut are used to reference the available color options in our product lines, such as HTV’s. This is convenient for customers and businesses that require precise colors for their projects, especially in sectors like textile printing, signage, and other graphic applications. MagiCut typically provides color cards with small samples of each available color, allowing customers to compare the exact shades and finishes before making their choice. This helps ensure consistent and accurate color representation in finished products.
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MagiCut 3D comprises the following HTV types
- MagiCut Flock
- MagiCut Twinkle
- MagiCut Glow
- MagiCut Dimension
- MagiCut Puff
- MagiCut Reflex
- MagiCut Photochromic ( UV)
MagiCut Effects comprises the following HTV types
The colors displayed on a screen may differ from reality. We recommend ordering an original color chart for an accurate assessment of colorfastness.
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